Get Certified

Success starts with planning and the GYMCERT Coaches Certification program provides you with online video streams of basic gymnastics skills beginning at Level 1 skills, online manuals for easy reference, and practice exams that allow you to sample the testing format before taking your final exam.

GYMCERT provides web-based training courses for the greater Gymnastics sporting community at the beginning levels. At this time our courses include Women's Recreational Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, &  5, Girl's Competitive "Skills & Drills" for Competitive Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5. Boy's Recreational Level 1, "Safety Basics" for Gymnastics and "Safety Basics" for Cheerleading. GymCert does not offer optional level training. While the techniques presented may work adequately for a fictitious gymnast, the may not work as well for the slightly overweight and less physically fit person. You, as the instructor, will have to adapt the technique to fit each gymnast. It is strongly suggested that you seek advanced gymnastics training from an experienced coach or mentor who can mentor and guide you in developing gymnastics technique, spotting skills, and training methods in a Safe Manner!

GYMCERT offers discounts for USA Gymnastic Member Clubs in good standing and is recognized as an authorized education provider for USA Gymnastics University.

The certification of gymnastics coaches will produce the following favorable outcomes:

  • Provide a better and safer environment for learning basic gymnastics.
  • Help to raise the standard of gymnastics coaches.
  • Provide some additional accountability of gymnastic coaches and gyms.
  • Help to lower the risk for insurance companies and thus lowering the liability insurance rates for gym owners.
  • Cost savings for the coaches and gym club owners.

GymCert is proud to partner with USA Gymnastics!

You can now receive University credit for taking:

  • R104: GymCert Level 1
  • R105: GymCert BOY'S Level 1
  • R204: GymCert Level 2
  • R205: GymCert Level 3

You must register at USA Gymnastics University in order to receive certification from USA Gymnastics University.

Visit USA Gymnastics Get Started on GymCert Now!


We at GYMCERT would like to thank the following supporters for their testimonials that endorse our coaching certification program, GYMCERT LMS by USACERT.

Tim Rand

USA National Coach, American Twisters

"Instructor turnover at the recreational level of gymnastics has been an ongoing problem for most gymnastics school programs and hard to deal with, especially the training of our new recruits. The GYMCERT manuals and web based training program will save me a lot of time in presenting the basics of this sport. Certification of my instructors is also a great marketing tool for my program."

Kelli Hill

3 Time USA Olympic Coach, Hill's Gymnastics

"I have been waiting for a manual like this for some time. It's a great tool for the up and coming new gymnastics coach as well as the experienced coach. Good skills, good illustrations and I love that my staff now have an excellent reference book with great teaching progressions."